VPE test failure caused by missing WebKit on RHEL5(info from Hudson:  Slave dev115-rhel5-x86) slave(see JBIDE-14537). On RHEL6 everything will pass fine.

17.06.2013 8:25, Mickael Istria пишет:
On 06/16/2013 06:05 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
Red/yellow builds (test failures/timeouts):

Central - 1 test timeout
Hibernate - 1 test timeout
JavaEE - ?? tests timed out
JST - 4 test timeouts
Server - 2 test timeouts
VPE - 1 test failure
WS - 2 test failures
I think most of them are actually failing because they were still using Xvfb (which is a cause of repeatable timeouts). I updated most configurations to use Xvnc instead (which is a cause of occasional error 13).
Hopefully, it will make the branch jobs as blue as the master ones.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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