Hi guys,

I created a new plug-in to provide mylyn connections for issues.jboss.org and bugzila.redhat.com
See details in jira - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9351
It's placed in common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.mylyn
We set two repositories in this plug-in. Firs one is Bugzilla and second one is JIRA.
The problem is that Bugzilla connector comes from Eclipse Mylyn plugins but JIRA connector comes from Atlassian update-site.
So we have to have Atlassian plugins installed to get JBoss JIRA repository working.

So there are two questions. What module/feature is better for our mylyn plug-in? Denis' suggestion is to move this plugin to central.
What do you think?

Also we should update our target platform to include Atlassian plugins. I'm going to create a sub-task of JBIDE-9351 for Nick to update TP.