So we could cut a m2e-wtp 1.2.2 release, but you'd need to provide a patch that doesn't use java 1.8. I'll most likely be able to do it on saturday or monday. Then it depends when can Nick mirror it

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 6:59 PM, Aurelien Pupier <> wrote:
Hello all,

I hit this issue today "WTPProjectsUtil.removeConflictingFacets(IFacetedProject, IProjectFacetVersion, Set<Action>) is not taking care of actions given as parameter"
I provided a fix proposal:

I detected it while writing an integration test. While playing manually, i think that some jobs are not played at the same time and it works *almost* every time.

I'm wondering if someone has an idea for a workaround to this issue.

If not, is it possible to create a new release? What is the timeframe for that? The goal is to be able to use it in Fuse Tooling 8.0.0; The current code freeze date is the 29th August (which is very very close). This version is based on JBDS 9.1 (Eclipse Mars)

If not possible, do you have an idea of the impact of creating a patch plugin for org.eclipse.m2e.wtp inside Fuse Tooling based on the content of provided gerrit change proposal
I'm aware that all others JBDS and JBDIS features will be "affected" by this patched plugin if Fuse Tooling is installed.


Aurelien Pupier
Senior Software Engineer in JBoss Fuse Tooling team

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