On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@redhat.com> wrote:
On 17 Nov 2014, at 13:08, Gorkem Ercan wrote:

The plan was to tool the bits coming in from aearogear. I think we are
still doing that but that will be under FeeedHenry umbrella now.
I am OK with changing the Aerogear to something like Mobile on the web site
because it describes the product better. I guess we can
add the FeedHenry things when they come under mobile at the web site.

Aerogear is actually the name of the community project that builds software
for mobile development. I do not think having the aerogear name on
the jbosstool-aerogear repo, jira and the package names would hurt. So
let's keep them as it is and only modify the website.

if we call it mobile everywhere but don't have matching jira component that would be a bad/confusing thing IMO.

I would like to have a proper separate name for it if possible that can be used as component name too.

Hybrid Mobile ?

Aerogear Hybrid ?

Problem solved, the current Jira component is already called aerogear-hybrid.. 

Any takes ?



On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@redhat.com>

On 14 Nov 2014, at 12:07, Petr Stribny wrote:

Hi all,

As of right now "Hybrid Mobile (Cordova) Tools" are still referred to
as "Aerogear" on Jboss Tools website
(http://tools.jboss.org/features/aerogear.html) and various other
places (internal Red Hat documents).

This is confusing, because the project has no Aerogear specific
tooling and it is not developed by Aerogear team.

Gorkem is on the aerogear team. Aerogear is used in the bundle/feature
names for aerogear specific stuff (like the examples).

I'm not really much for renaming it, more like making it more specific
and add a hybrid-mobile component (we can move the issues over if we
want to).

Gorkem - any preference ? Earlier on there were plans about more
specific aerogear tools but that have not (yet) manifested itself.


I propose that we use just "Hybrid Mobile Tools" or similar name when
talking about branded Thym.

What do you think? Is there any reason why to stick with the current

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