Hello World,

m2e 1.6.2 ( RC2 for Mars.1 has been released. 3 small bugs were fixed, as you can see in the changelog[1]. I didn't initially planned on pushing a new RC for m2e 1.6.2, but thanks to Konrad Windszus' contributions, here we are. 
m2e 1.6.2 can be installed from [2]. 



[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&list_id=12540793&product=m2e&query_format=advanced&resolution=FIXED&target_milestone=1.6.2%2FMars%20RC2
[2] http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/milestones/1.6/

"Have you tried turning it off and on again" - The IT Crowd
And if that fails, then http://goo.gl/tnBgH5