Looks okay to me.  The only comment I have is that it seems to assume that folks are doing their development using an OpenShift/k8s instance.  If it were me, I'd be doing my dev locally, without any of this stuff, not hitting OpenShift/k8s until my work was mostly polished (i.e. developing against a local server, maybe running it in a local container, just to save the install hassle).

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 6:56 AM Andre Dietisheim <adietish@redhat.com> wrote:

I made a first draft for the survey we're about to send out to customers
in Switzerland at:

The goal is to find out how developers code with/against
Kubernetes/OpenShift and to accordingly find out what we should offer
them in our tooling.

Please feel free to comment and suggest anything that could be
Thanks for the feedback!


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