On 09/03/2012 08:09 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
Mickael, Max, Rob, Denis... any ideas why the Central build [2] is 
failing to find org.jboss.tools.project.examples.feature.feature.group 
I just found and hopefully fixed it!
The issue is that the "import" tag in feature.xml does not versions to be suffixed by '.qualifier'. This suffix is not replaced so tycho/p2 really search for '3.4.0.qualifier', which does not exist.
But I don't understand why this used tp work...

Latest build shows removing .qualifier works.

or why 'The type JBossASHandler must implement the 
inherited abstract method IRuntimeDetector.getServerDefinition(File, 
IProgressMonitor)' when run locally[3] ?
I can't see this error. Maybe Tycho replaced the "branch" version of the plugin by a one you built locally a while ago?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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