Thanks for the feedback Alexey. I'll make those changes.
About forge - I couldn't find a jira either but it's there in Window>Preferences>JBossTools>Usage Reporting, in Reported Values:
Component: forge
Component version: 1.3.0
Category: forge
Action: start
Label: Forge Runtime Version
Value: major.minor.micro.identifier
I'm usingĀ Build id: Beta2-v20140525-2146-B104
Can anyone point to the jira for this?
From: "Alexey Kazakov" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 May, 2014 3:08:10 AM
Subject: Re: [jbosstools-dev] Fwd: JBDS Usage Stats
1. "Number of times JBoss Tools editors and associated tabs are used" should be "Number of times JBoss Tools HTML/JSP editor and associated tabs is used"
2. "Forge Tools runtime version and number of times started". I know nothing about this feature. Do you have a JIRA link?
The rest of the items looks good.
On 05/26/2014 09:22 PM, Michelle Murray wrote:
I'm updating the docs for Beta2.
I've tried looking through the recent jiras to identify what stats are now being collected for JBDS/JBT installs.I particularly want to know what's in for JBDS 8.0.0 Beta2.
Please check the screenshot and let me know if I'm missing anything or have anything wrong.The last table row is the one that I've added for JBDS 8.0.0.
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