Didn't we find that orbit has poi so it should not be in locus ?
Jackson - should be opened against JBTIS to take from locus but need to check if nick finished of locus cleanup.
I can't check that right now since I'm on the move. Can check tomorrow.
/max (sent from my phone)
On 17/06/2013, at 19.05, Paul Richardson <p.g.richardson@redhat.com> wrote:
Can I have some advice ...
I noticed last week that the Designer codebase is still carrying around some library jars in its
plugins and I am attempting to eliminate them by
a) using dependencies from the TP (jbt-locus + integration-stack-base.target)
b) bringing down the library from maven so that at least the
codebase does not carry the library
Consequently, the following libraries are available in jbt's orbit as TD plugin dependencies:
<unit id="org.apache.poi" version="3.9.0.v201303080712"/>
<unit id="org.codehaus.jackson.core" version="1.6.0.v20101005-0925"/>
<unit id="org.codehaus.jackson.mapper" version="1.6.0.v20101005-0925"/>
I notice in the target file based on the integation-stack-base.target that the 4.30.5.Alpha5/REPO
[1] is the repository responsible for making available orbit located bundles? Is that right?
Should I file a JIRA against JBIDE or JBITS?
Any help much appreciated.
[1] http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/targetplatforms/jbosstoolstarget/4.30.5.Alpha5/REPO/
Paul Richardson
* p.g.richardson@redhat.com
* mob: +44 (0)9780 869490
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