Hi Max,

I would like to explain more my roadmap (like Tern Tooling
https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/wiki/Tern-Toolings to provide
Eclipse wizards to create JSON type definitions, server plugin and
CodeMirror/Ace/Orion editor plugged with tern).

I don't see this as something that make sense in tern.java core - but if its just additions that
can be installed separately fine by me.

We have discussed about that. It's exactly that I have done. There are 2 plugins :

 * tern.eclipse.ide.tools.core
 * tern.eclipse.ide.tools.ui

and when you install tern.java you can select or not "Tern Tooling"  in the update site.

What do you think about this idea of Google Groups "tern.java"?

sounds like a good idea - send link when you got it ? :)

Cool! I will do it. 

Regards Angelo
jbosstools-dev mailing list
