Hi all,

We'd like to make the necessary changes to move master from Luna to Mars. This obviously impacts Target-platforms, as well as some other repositories.
Please have a look at https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-18748 and review the PRs that you can review. In case you think something is missing, please report it to the bug.
In case the proposed target-platforms changes some dependencies for your component, please test your component by running "mvn install" from the suggested change, and then run "mvn clean verify -Pmultiple.target -Dtpc.version=4.50.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT" on your component to test it.

Goal is to have all this Pull Requests merged on Monday, so new Target Platform will be available and used in order to build master starting from early next week.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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