On 11 Jul 2016, at 20:53, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com> wrote:

That looks awesome. Is there any way to get in touch with the original reporter?

Just click on the link. This will open your email client and the reporter’s email addresses will be in the to-line of your email.

How would the needinfo flags help in this case?

First, setting the resolution to Cannot Reproduce will create the following message in the popup notification *after it was send*:

You hit a problem were the stack trace and log message alone do not provide enough context to triage this issue.
<#if resolutionNotes>
<#elseif bug>
A reviewer requested further information before processing this problem. Please visit visit {link,rel=bug;title=${problem.bug.key}} and see whether you can add missing details.
<#elseif needinfo>
A reviewer requested further information before processing this request. Please visit {link,rel=submission;title=your submission} and see whether you can add missing details.

With needinfo flag set, the message will be presented in the error notification *before* the user sends the report. Then the user knows immediately that his assistance is needed and hopefully takes more time to create a helpful error report / comment.
