Hi Max,

the idea behind this is to have some new mechanism for server requirements similar as it was
in org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext [1]. But we need to rewrite and redesign it using reddeer. The new server requirements will be based on xml (not on property files as it was in [1])

I designed xsd file here [2] which describes how such a requirement should look like.
When ready it will let us annotate our test classes with '@Server' annotation and the framework
will setup server adapter automatically in eclipse. 

On 04/11/2013 10:57 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
What is http://www.jboss.org/NS/ServerReq ? why are we using a global namespace location for reddeer xml configurations ?

http://www.jboss.org/NS/ServerReq should be a namespace for *jboss* server requirements. This is jboss specific (not reddeer specific) and the code lives in jbosstools-integration-tests repo.

If it's wrong ok, we can change it easily. Any suggestion?

I assume this is some xml we use to define server runtimes - how does this relate to the many other server runtime definitions
that exists ? Is this a format we can use with other things ? if yes - awesome. tell more.

The main intent is to use it in UI tests (the fullfill method [3] should setup server adapter through UI), but we can think about how to use it with pure junit tests as well.

[1] https://docspace.corp.redhat.com/docs/DOC-38528
[2] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-integration-tests/blob/master/tests/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.reddeer/resources/ServerRequirements.xsd
[3] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-integration-tests/blob/master/tests/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.reddeer/src/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/as/reddeer/server/requirement/ServerRequirement.java

Pavol Srna
QA Engineer, JBDS
Phone: +420 532 294 352
irc: psrna

Red Hat Czech
Purkynova 99, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic