Thanks ! All the credits comes to Asciidoctor guys for making this possible and to Max et al. for finding it.

Sadly no, there isn't much documentation around the website, TBH :-/ but feel free to ask me any question you may have.

Best regards,

On 26 Mar 2015, at 15:49, George Gastaldi <> wrote:

Fantastic! Good job! 
Do we have this documented somewhere?

Em 26/03/2015, às 11:46, Xavier Coulon <> escreveu:


I just fixed which introduces support for conditional directives in the N&N.

From now, you can wrap some content with ifndef::finalnn[] / endif::finalnn[] for N&N items that have been outdated in subsequent versions and thus, that should not appear in the aggregated N&N page of the final release. 
See an example here: : the upgrade to forge 2.15.1.Final is mentioned in the N&N of JBoss Tools 4.2.3.CR1 (which is correct) but it will be hidden in the N&N of JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final because in the mean time, the Forge runtime has been updated to 2.15.2.Final. 

Best regards,

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