Hi all,

I made some work on adding a theme to JBDS, as described in https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2250 This theme is also available in JBT, although it's not activated by default. You'll need to go to Window > Preference > General > Appearance to enable it. This is currently a kind a pink/red one, and you can see it at work on the attached screenshot, or by downloading and testing a recent build of JBDS.
Although I like those colors, I don't feel myself good at UI design to force JBDS to keep this theme. But, it's a luck, because CSS in Eclipse is very easy to customize and share, so if you're interested, you can easily edit this theme locally ( Window > Preference > General > Appearance ). If you don't feel easy with CSS, I recommand you to install this plugin: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/eclipse-4-chrome-theme . This will help you to develop some themes just by picking colors. It's way easier than writing CSS, I used this to create current one.
If you have any CSS you like, please share it on ticket JBDS-2250 and attach a screenshot, we can go for a vote to choose which one we enable by default in JBDS.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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