Hi Marshall,
ok, I'd like to at least try that. Depends a bit on if I can spend some
project time on this or not. But let's try it.
To whom could I turn to, to ask some basic questions like: What's those
generated AOP stuff supposed to do? Why is it generated? Up to which
Eclipse version the plugin has been maintain? Is there some
documentation about the features that should alreasy work? And so on ...
Marshall Culpepper schrieb:
Hi Tobias..
The AOP plugin has been deprecated/abandoned as we don't have any
resources to maintain it and the user base is extremely small (we might
get one question about per 6 months). If you are willing to make
contributions to bring it back to life, we'd be happy to resurrect it
and start releasing it as a part of JBossTools
Tobias Frech wrote:
I talked with Max on the #jbosstools IRC channel @ freenode.org. I am
trying to build a current JBoss Tools IDE and would like to know what
the status of the AOP plugins are.
I ran into some problems with xjc and couldn't get them to compile
properly. Should the version from SVN work currently?
Can I help somehow to get that stuff working?
If I could get it to work we have someone in our project that likely
would do some alpha testing of it.
Tobias Frech