On 05/21/2013 10:32 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
On 05/21/2013 06:56 PM, Denis Golovin wrote:
The problem is org.jboss.tools.tests is not part of

That's right. However it's part of http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/integrationtests/trunk site, so when enabling no profile, the default nightly sites (core and integration tests) are used, so it should resolve this bundle.
Is this something you can reproduce at every build? It could happen when your build tries to get content at the same time aggregation is getting published.

Pushing process can be implemented different way to avoid this issue, I saw it many times and it is a bit annoying. I remember we spend some time with Nick to tackle it, but problem seems still here.

Idea behind this fix is really simple:
1. Leave old published bits as is on the server side and just upload new ones
2. Update compositeArtifacts.xml first and include uploaded update site from step 1
3. Update compositeContent.xml: include new uploaded update site from step 1 and remove oldest one
4. Update compositeArtifacts.xml and remove oldest one
5. Remove oldest update site folder

Note there are no operations related to renaming/moving previously uploaded update sites and that the key point to have previously uploaded sites available while new one is in uploading stage.

It should significantly reduce amount of errors because we keep two update sites for each jbosstools-module, so at least one update site is always available through composite update site for module. There could be still problems for builds with slow connection, but connection should be slow enough to live through at least two builds for jbosstools module. This could be implemented as maven plug-n and number of builds to keep in composite could be a good candidate for configuration parameters.

It is not really critical but nice to have.


Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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