Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
On Sat, 12 Jan 2008 03:32:26 +0100, Marshall Culpepper <> wrote:

Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
I dont recall exactly, but I think maybe the build has its own java settings per build....
we should fix that if that is the case.

Marshall ?

Yes, each builder has it's own java compiler settings. Most of our
builders are using Java 1.5 compiler compliance now, including
hibernate-tools. Are we sure Dmitry's error wasn't Java 6 related?

I thinks Marshall doesn't fully understand me. So I retell the "story" from the beginning.
Denis wrote me about compile errors on Hudson build. It happend because I didn't commit all my classes. After that I fixed this errors and decited to review all differences between my local workspace and svn.

And I found somthing interesting in one of  plugins:
 in  svn the plugin has compliance  level 1.4 and java classes which demand 1.5. (Locally I had compliance  level 1.5).
And we haven't build errors on our Hudson build or any other. When I overrite my local file ".classpass" from svn I got jdk leved 1.4 and compile errors. (Because I used StringBuilder from jdk 1.5).
Therefore I asked Max about why we didn't know about the problem in svn.

Afterward I corrected files to use java 1.4 and nobody have compile errors. But the question remained.

Your answer make all clear. Builders use Java 1.5 and we haven't errors there. (Even when it seems we should).
May be we need review this strategy or it is not worth the trouble? (For ex. try to update our java 1.4 plugins to version 1.5 or make build attentive to the each plugin jdk level)
does not look like it since the issue seem to be him using StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer.

btw. if a project has settings in .settings about compliation are they being honored?


Best regards,

 Dmitry Geraskov      
 Senior Developer
 Exadel Inc