On 05/23/2013 12:28 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
On 05/23/2013 09:24 PM, Denis Golovin wrote:

So -1 for the patch, +1 for Xvnc.
Most likely it rather related to slave's operation system (OS) and especially to Desktop Environment(DE) configured for xvnc. It could make sense just exclude some hosts from group used to build/test JBD/JBDS
I think Xvnc automatically starts a twm or another window manager which is not 100% compatible with SWT/Eclipse.
Xvfb starts with no window manager, and we do start a metacity explicitly.

Do you think using Xvnc + metacity would solve all issues?
I have no idea honestly, but we should try. For me even TWM works, just need configuration parameter RandomPlacement added into in $HOME/.twmrc configuration file.


Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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