On 03/23/2015 09:58 AM, André Dietisheim wrote:
In the OpenShift v2 tooling I am depending on a few internal classes to show a customized commit dialog when pushing to OpenShift. Even though not ideal there was not obvious better way to achieve that, given that EGit is poorly written and very much not with extensibility in mind (the plan was to provide a PR though). I thus pretty much expect OpenShift v2 to break. Could we please provide a smooth transition and give me some time to provide the required changes?
For the Easymport wizard, I asked to turn some classes and methods as APIs, and Matthias has helped with that. I guess EGit can open APIs on request, and for sure, providing Gerrit patches makes it faster. Note that since they're moving to a 4.0, it's the right time to request/propose API changes.
I got confirmation on the egit-dev mailing-list that Mars M6 will include a milestone of EGit 4.0, that will be part of our TP when we move to M6.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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