
CRS QE and Fuse Tooling QE has finished testing of JBT 4.16.0.AM1.

JBoss Tools 4.16.0.AM
 is ready to be released. 
We have found two critical issues related to installing JBT in Eclipse with update site and JDK8: 
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-27323 and https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-27322 . Issues will be fixed in the next release. 
Other critical issues are in the sign-off. These issues do not block the AM1 release, however as we move towards next milestones they will be considered as blockers.

The sign-off document is here: https://mojo.redhat.com/docs/DOC-1226154
The master branch is no longer frozen.




Josef Kopriva

Senior Quality Engineer

Red Hat

Purkynova 111

612 00 Brno    IM: jkopriva