I'm not fully grokking this. 

Are we talking about the install that is used already have an install of the test plugin or about it not being possible to install tests plugin into the install ?

The first one just don't make sense to me. The whole point is to test against a real eclipse.  This eclipse shouldn't have any test plugins anyway. 

If it is the second - then that seems to be rather limiting since then 99.9% Ui driven eclipse plugins are singletons.

/max (sent from my phone)

On 13/11/2013, at 09.49, Mickael Istria <mistria@redhat.com> wrote:

On 11/13/2013 09:42 AM, Denis Golovin wrote:
Not all tests can be singletons, If we cannot have tests singletons, how we suppose to test extension points?
That's indeed a limitation for now. In case of singleton, then you'll need to uninstall previous bundle manually, or always re-install a new application.
Another workaround is to split the singleton plugin and the test one, but I understand that's much overhead and not a very comfortable option.
You can also open an enhancement request in Tycho to explain the use-case, so I'll negociate to have surefire first uninstall previous installation in case of a singleton. But this won't happen soon (at least not before next Tycho release).

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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