
Thanks for the feedback on CDI. What about the CDI Facet in the project settings ? Do you programmatically switch the value (1.0 vs 1.1) if jars changed in the classpath ? 
I think m2e-wtp has some connectors for that, but some user may also just set a Target Server (AS6, AS7 or Wildfly, etc.).

I guess I'll also have different validation rules that will be activated depending on the version of the spec the user selected.
Best regards,

On 12 Mar 2014, at 18:24, Alexey Kazakov <> wrote:

On 03/12/2014 08:32 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Depends on how big differences there are. But in general, same plugin
supports multiple versions. Look at JDT, WTP, Hibernate, Seam, Ant,
Maven, etc. /max

And CDI too.
We keep all needed code in the same plugins.
We switch to desired implementation depending on user's classpath. So
users don't have to change any project settings/preferences/facets to
switch from CDI 1.0 to CDI 1.1. Changing CDI JARs is enough.
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