Hi Victor,
Many thank's for having written this plan.
I'm happy to see that you like the idea to delegate features to tern.java. I think the benefit with tern.java is that it provides a better support for ES5, ES6 and a better support to retrieve the well JavaScript types.
It should be cool if you could add more informations like :
* delegate JSDT Outline to tern.java
Tern Outline. The benefit with this Outline is that you have more informations about the types and it fixes some bugs with JSDT Outline for variable which are inside function.
Could you add those link to your page? It should be really cool if JSDT supports too syntax coloration for ES6 by improving org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.ui.text.java.JavaCodeScanner.
Many thank's again Victor for your great work, and I hope really one day JSDT+tern.java will provide the same powerful features than WebStorm.
Regard's Angelo