we have a bunch of stuff to do in OpenShift tooling, for the 4.3.1 release and, given the jbosstools-4.3.x branch is closed for business for the next 2 weeks, the 4.3.1 work will happen in branch jbosstools-4.3.1x. Once 4.3.0.Final is released, the 4.3.1.x branch will be merged into 4.3.x[1]. Hopefully it should be a fast forward merge by then.
So currently we have the following branches:
jbosstools-4.3.x: jbosstools-openshift 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (4.3.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT parent)
jbosstools-4.3.1.x: jbosstools-openshift 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT (4.3.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT parent)
master: jbosstools-openshift 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (4.3.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT parent)
Appropriate parent versions will have to be changed ASAP.
For each fix pushed to the jbosstools-4.3.1.x, the matching JIRA can be updated to 'Resolved'
Maybe not a perfect workflow but it's the least bad we could think of :-)
If other JBT components have similar requirements, feel free to implement a similar pattern.