On 06/17/2014 08:43 AM, Fred Bricon wrote:
One other major issue is AngularJS support won't work OOTB on windows 64bits : https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17633

If we really want to fix it for respin-whatever, we'll need to (at least) :
- (partially?) rebuild tern.java 0.2.0 with my patch backported from https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/pull/73
- there should be another patch then for https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/tree/master/eclipse/tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.linux.gtk.x86
- update org.jboss.tools.jst.jsdt/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to update version constraints
There is no need to change that if we rebuld ter.java with forced qualifier 201405210810 based on latest master or actual commit  d3d19939f547863eae82ebb3d375f47d1e6f4729
- rebuild new Target Platform(s)
- rebuild JBDS installer
Tern is not part of JBDS, so there is no reason to rebuild installer.

The alternative is to release Beta2 as is and document how to install and configure a native NodeJS runtime on Windows.

Another alternative reopen all related issues and remove jst.jsdt plugin/feature from JBT Aggregated update site.



Le 14/06/2014 09:14, Max Rydahl Andersen a écrit :
Hey Denis/Victor,

One if not the biggest feature of beta2 was to be able to have better 
javascript content assist out of the box enabled in JBoss Tools Beta2.

First tern wasn't properly included: 

That was fixed in latest respin-c

But now it is it is not actually enabled and/or result in errors: 

This is rather fatal and I really do not want to delay beta2 but if we 
don't find some kind of workaround for
this we got a problem ;/

Any suggestions welcome how we get this enabled for users welcome.

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