On 29 Apr 2015, at 19:34, Denis Golovin <dgolovin@exadel.com> wrote:

with https://github.com/dgolovin/jbosstools-releng.git tagging of everything at once would look like:

git submodule foreach 'git checkout jbosstools-4.3.0.Alpha2x; git pull origin jbosstools-4.3.0.Alpha2x; git tag jbosstools-4.3.0.Alpha2; git push origin jbosstools-4.3.0.Alpha2;'

The same can be done with shell or any script we want to use. 

Sure. Don't need sub modules for this though. 

But yeah seems time to enable jbossjenkins user push rights to do these since it's obviously not happening consistently across all repos. I would prefer it actually tagged the sha1 that was used instead of just assumed used. 



On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@redhat.com> wrote:

On 29 Apr 2015, at 17:45, Denis Golovin <dgolovin@exadel.com> wrote:

I suggested tagging modules that had no changes a while ago and was told no tagging required. That explains for example jbosstools-freemarker is missing 12 tags.

Did I say that ? Then I was for sure wrong Imo with our current setup. 

Should be easy to fix then too :)

I would tag every module w/ and w/o changes, it can be done for all ow them using repo with submodules, becuase we are releasing them all together anyway.

Sorry - not following how sub modules relate here ?


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 12:51 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@redhat.com> wrote:
I wrote a script to check how good/bad we were on actually having tags
for the various releases.

First I found the ones missing the recent Alpha2 tag:


Then I thought about how it was looking for other releases so I made the
script a bit more advanced

It loads all historical tags of jbosstools-base and with a "since"
marker to not get false positives:

With this the list is a tad longer (full details at:

jbosstools-download.jboss.org missing 13 tags
jbosstools-freemarker missing 12 tags
jbosstools-server missing 13 tags
jbosstools-build-ci missing 8 tags
jbosstools-aerogear missing 6 tags
jbosstools-hibernate missing 6 tags
jbosstools-birt missing 5 tags
jbosstools-central missing 5 tags
jbosstools-portlet missing 5 tags
jbosstools-forge missing 4 tags
jbosstools-webservices missing 4 tags
jbosstools-build missing 3 tags
jbosstools-openshift missing 3 tags
jbosstools-build-sites missing 3 tags
jbosstools-vpe missing 2 tags
jbosstools-livereload missing 2 tags
jbosstools-arquillian missing 2 tags
jbosstools-jst missing 1 tags
jbosstools-discovery missing 1 tags
jbosstools-browsersim missing 1 tags

If you believe my script reported wrongly on this please let me know and
otherwise i'll create a task jira for these next week.


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