Sounds good.  Please let me know if you need me to do anything.

Once Paul gets back we need to go over what locus is and what it isn't and find other ways to handle what was done. 

It was never intended to include snapshots nor custom red hat builds of anything. 

The introduction of the massive runtime dependency set from fuse makes things a lot more muddier which is what we'll need to fix/work on. 

Locus is *not* a repository for usage by other p2 repositories. Locus is just for builds and They should be included not referenced. Just like eclipse orbit. 

The target files is what is used to align dependencies and we should get that weeded through - for now it seems like everything fuse included just been added without much consideration besides "can it build". 

Once I return from pto (national holidays here this long weekend) I'll catch up with Paul and Lars H. To see   what we can/need to do. 

/max (sent from my phone)

On 31/07/2013, at 22.31, Rob Cernich <> wrote:

On 07/31/2013 08:24 PM, Rob Cernich wrote:
Isn't part of the goal of Locus to align the dependencies used by various components?
Not exactly, Locus is just aimed at providing some dependencies as OSGi bundles/p2 artifacts. It's not the place where we'll manage dependency.

Hypothetically, what would happen if those two projects, using different versions of saxon, were installed in the same instance of Eclipse? Unless the plugin depending on v. 9.2.1 were configured to only use versions 9.2.x or exactly 9.2.1, I'm guessing both projects would resolve the 9.4 version of saxon. Personally, I think Locus, just like the TP's should be used for coordinating these dependencies. (Just my opinion, as I haven't been involved with any of the activity surrounding Locus. I'm sure there's a good pun in there somewhere;))
Both bundles resolving against Saxon 9.4 is not an issue. If it appears to be an issue, it has to be fixed in relevant MANIFEST.MF. Locus and Target Platform are not workarounds for such issues.
Target Platforms are more the place where we manage dependency consistency. Having JBTIS target platform based on JBT target platform makes it easier to provide compatibility.
Given that the target platforms align to a specific version, does it make sense to have more than one version available in Locus?  The component will get the version specified in the TP, so why does it matter beyond that?  The only situation I can think of is where you have different versions of the TP pointing to the same version of Locus.  Just an observation.

* MANIFEST.MF/feature.xml define dependency
* Target Platforms define the set of available dependency to resolve against
* Locus provides some artifacts in an Eclipse-friendly way.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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