Max Rydahl Andersen <> wrote:
> Hi Max,
> I dunno if it helps you with the eclipse update dance...

It sounds interesting - I will try it out once I got a minute free!
> I wrote a plugin which adds a button to the Package Explorer view ...
> 1) Click the button and file dialog is displayed.
> 2) Select codebase repository working directory.
> 3) All projects in workspace are synchronized against selected directory.
> * Any new projects in the selected directory are added to the workspace;
> * Invalid projects (deleted) are removed from the workspace;
> * Projects moved into working sets named by the parent directory of
> the plugin. This works for me but might not be appropriate for you.

I actually implemented a similar idea but based on a regular expression for the project name;
for us it would have to be the ../../ since we have things in features/plugins...

> Interested to hear feedback and whether it is useful to people...

I'll definitely try it out - thanks for the tip!

is the code available somewhere too?
> My Update Site
> Regards
> --
> Paul Richardson (a.k.a. phantomjinx)
> *
> *
> * mob: +44 (0)9780 869490

jbosstools-dev mailing list

Only on my machine but I'll push it to github over the weekend.