I'm mostly talking about issues I am basically looking for help with.  Issues I have no schedule for and don't want to keep pushing off every release. Sure, I can put 4.2.x, and then later move to 4.3.0, and then later move to 4.3.x, but that seems like a lot of messy paperwork and clogs everyone's mailboxes and doesn't clearly mark the issue as help wanted.

If I put a fix version on it, it implies it is in my plan. Some of these issues are not in my plan, or I have exhausted all attempts to discover the causes. It seems very wrong for me to keep pushing them off.... but I can't leave them without a fix version or I get a yelly email from jiralint ;)

On 06/10/2014 10:16 PM, Xavier Coulon wrote:
Hello Rob,

As far as I'm concerned, I set the fixVersion to 4.2.x if I know I won't work on the issue before the next code freeze (currently 4.2.0.Beta3), so at least it means that I noticed it but decided not to work on it yet. I set a fix version on all the issues I plan to work on to the next version we'll release, and sometimes I even set the status to "coding in progress", so I can use JIRA filters to find the issues even faster.

Feel free to correct me if my method is wrong ;-)

Best regards,

On 09 Jun 2014, at 10:11, Rob Stryker <rstryker@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi All:

Do we have a document available with the proper way to triage issues? I
seriously have no idea anymore, and every time I try to change an old
issue, I end up getting an email telling me that it's not triaged now.

I used to assign myself, even if I didn't intend to work on it, to
indicate that it "was read". I was told this was incorrect, and that
there should be no assignee if nobody is actively working on it.

I also used to mark it as targeted to later, but I was told this was
vague and should not be used as a dumping ground for all issues that
aren't on the plan.

But if I leave the fix version blank (to indicate it is not on my plan),
I get an email telling me the issue is untriaged.

I also tried commenting on issues, to indicate that I've seen them, but
didn't change the fix version or assignee since I did not have a firm
target for it.... but this gets the same emails.

Should I go in right now and bulk-change all my unassigned untargeted
issues to myself with a fix version, even if I have no idea if that fix
version is accurate? Or should I mark all I don't have a firm target for
to "Later" ?

What's the process here?

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