Local builds are running against M5 if they use Alpha1-snapshot.
Shouldn't the Alpha2-snapshot should be using the TP we are now asking to
get cleared for JBoss Tools Alpha2 release ?
I think they also run against Kepler M5 is the use the
4.30.5.Alpah2-SNAPSHOT. Reminder: I asked a few days ago about the
status of 4.30.5.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT vs 4.30.5.Alpha3-SNAPSHOT and you
answer was that we should just ignore 4.30.5.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT, and
keep on using 4.30.5.Alpha3-SNAPSHOT. Although I did not agree with
it, we did as you told, and 4.30.5.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT is a born-dead
target-platform which does not contain M6.