Comments below..
> - We should add a new "ALL" file bundle that includes all of our plugins
> but no Eclipse dependencies.
I thought about this and i think most of my comments on it went lost in
the skype echo, so here is what I suggested:
Keep the same downloads as we have now under the JBoss-IDE 2.0.0.Beta1
add a new category called JBoss-IDE 2.0.0.Beta1-nodeps (or something) that
simply is the exact same plugins but *without*
any external plugins.
...and may I suggest to move all the MD5 files to a seperate category ?
They are the main reason for all the clutter imo (and it is downloaded by
*very* few people)
..and even move the test builds out of the way too.
The result would be something like:
Thing to consider is:
a) what about source builds ?
b) should we provide a as a download under the
> - Everyone needs to make sure their feature.xml uses "import" instead of
> "include" for any plugin that is not in your feature (i.e. all eclipse
> dependencies)
does the feature.xml in any way control what gets into the .zip file ?
or is that controlled by something else ?
The next step after is to consider simply depending on features instead of
individual plugins..
> - We need to collaborate on a presentation for November's JBWorld Europe.
If i understood correctly here is what we are planning to submit
Koen: Hands-on JBPM which uses the desginer
Olav: 2(?) talks about soapui and the jbosside plugin
Max: Hibernate Tools
(...and someone (Thomas Heute) might also do things in context of Seam)
What I suggest is that we can do a jbosside-BOF or something where we walk
through some of the features of the authors who will be at JBW and then let
people ask questions/suggestions etc. I'll find out who I should contact
JBoss to email them directly instead of a "normal" submission.