On 03/05/2012 08:08 PM, Rob Cernich wrote:
Hey all,

Since v. 5.4 is not in the nightly SOA repo, how would one go about setting up the SY tooling project to reference the Drools tools 5.4 snapshot builds?
Before, you were part of the same Reactor (ie Maven build context) as your dependencies, then your deps where resolved in this reactor. Now you are "alone", so you'll have to provide a way to resolve this dependencies. If you are running in the same M2_REPO, then Maven can resolve your deps to the content of this M2_REPO. However, it is not that clean, so if you choose this solution, you'll probably complain within a few weeks/months ;)

The real good alternative would be for you to add a dependency to the p2 repository that you want to use in order to resolve SOA stuff. You need Drools to provide you an update-site/p2 repository that contains what you want to build, and then add this repository to your pom.xml. When it is done, Maven will use it to resolve the new stuff.
This is the same principle as "standard" Maven, except that instead of Maven repositories, you use p2 repositories.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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