邀请您观看 PCB Prototype Fabrication/Printed circuit board Supply 的相册: PCB sample manufacture
PCB sample manufacture
提供者:PCB Prototype Fabrication/Printed circuit board Supply
来自 PCB Prototype Fabrication/Printed circuit board Supply 的消息:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Glad to know you from your great website, I’m proud to introduce you our high quality PCB products, Our advantage is –

The most experienced PCB sample manufacture from CHINA
Quick PCB Prototype Fabrication
Fast shipment according to customer’s requirement

High quality with material Grade A FR-4
1 – 6 layer boards
All free test

Please kindly send us some drawings or manufacturing requirements description!

We provide 10% discount for all our new customers, and for volume order please feel free to get back to us, we will assure you our best price.

I would appreciate if you forward this letter to Technical Manager or to other expert responsible for technical integration of new products in your company, for we could discuss all the details of our future cooperation.

Thanks for your attention to the above, we look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

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