So, JBoss Tools 3.0.0.GA and JBDS 2.0.0.GA should contain
DroolsIDE-5.0.0.GA and will be Provider name for JBoss
Guvnor Tools Plug-in, right?
I'm not sure if JBDS 2.0.0 GA will bundle Drools 5 CR1 or Drools 5 GA, but in either case this
change in the Guvnor tools provider text will be present.
-- John
On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 16:58 +0200, Anton Klimkovich wrote:
Hello John,
So, JBoss Tools 3.0.0.GA and JBDS 2.0.0.GA should contain
DroolsIDE-5.0.0.GA and will be Provider name for JBoss
Guvnor Tools Plug-in, right?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 4:52:18 PM, you wrote:
John> It should be JBoss, a division of Red Hat. That change has been make in
John> the Drools 5 code base, and we'll pick it up with the next Drools 5
John> milestone.
John> -- John
John> On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 16:36 +0200, Anton Klimkovich wrote:
Should JBoss Guvnor Tools Plug-in have Provider name or it
it should have JBoss, a Division of Red Hat?
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