Hi all, Here is a proposal for a new 4.40.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT target platform: https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-target-platforms/pull/35 It consists in the following changes: * Update to Luna M5 ** Some projects are still using same version that we had for Kepler release (Birt, jetty, m2e...) ** Most projects have contributed a new M5 build (Platform, EMF, DTP, Mylyn...) ** Use newer SWTBot 2.2.0 which contain some minor fixes. Please review this PR and yell if there is anything shocking. You can use the following steps to try to build build the TP locally and try out against your component: Build target-platform: $ cd jbosstools-target-platforms $ git fetch mistria luna-M5 $ git checkout FETCH_HEAD $ cd jbosstools/multiple $ mvn clean install -P \!multiple2repo Try with just built target-platform: $ cd /path/to/your/component $ mvn clean verify (-Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT) -Pmultiple.target Cheers,