Hi, Marcel!

I have a problem when going through a link from an email by Ctrlflow AER Bot to aer.ctrlflow.com
Say, i'm already logged in to aer.ctrlflow.com with my Github account. Now i'm clicking the link from the mail. A new tab is opened in browser (e.g. https://aer.ctrlflow.com/redhat/reviewers/#!/problems/58b80248e4b069efe534fc2d). But nothing is displayed, just an error message - see the attached image. 
Then i go directly to https://aer.ctrlflow.com/redhat/reporters. And put issue id (58b80248e4b069efe534fc2d) into the problem id field and press Go and the page displays fine.

It's very uncomfortable to always go to the search page and paste in the issue id. What can be the problem?

Best regards,