Hey Xavier,

I had a similar problem with the SwitchYard validator.  Upon further investigation, it appears m2e wants the Maven builder to be last in the list.  Based on that, I eventually gave up, disabled the SwitchYard validator from the build and invoked it directly from the SwitchYard m2e build participant.  I suspect something similar will probably need to be done in your case, assuming there is a JAX-RS participant for m2e.

Hope that helps,


I'm banging my head against the wall trying to fix this issue: On a Full Publish LiveReload refreshes the browser before the application is fully restarted

Here's the context: I have a kitchensink project in which there are are JAX-RS errors (a custom JAX-RS HTTP Method is missing some annotations)

Now, here's the problem I have:
- in some cases, the metamodel exists and is complete (i.e.: the m2e dependencies were properly set *before* the metamodel was built), and then, the validation occurs on the whole project, and I have the expect errors reported. 

- in other cases, the validation on the whole project is executed *before* m2e did set the dependencies on the project's classpath. At this stage, the metamodel exists but it is empty (the java classes have compilation errors because of missing libs, so no JAX-RS element was created). The metamodel is completed after m2e updated the project's classpath, but then a validation job is triggered because of bunch of xml files (not related to the JAX-RS classes) were processed by m2e and copied into the /target/classes output folder. This means that the full validation was not executed.

Basically, it looks as if some operations (m2e / JAX-RS / validation) don't always occur in the same order, which sometimes result in incomplete validation and missing markers as expected. (not to mention that I have no clue how to force the order of execution, which makes the debugging *not fun*...)

Any idea how I could make sure the validation (based on org.jboss.tools.common.validation) could be always called on the project after m2e sets the dependencies in the classpath ?

Thanks for your help ;-)

Best regards,

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