14/02/2011 23:13, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

My main contras for Git:
	� It is poorly integrated with Windows and Eclipse.
For Windows - is that really still the case ?
Last I tried it seemed to work fine ?
I used this http://help.github.com/win-git-installation/

You had any specific bad experiences ?

About Eclipse, egit seem to be doing well ?
note, since git is darn fast I rarely eclipse tooling worth bothering with it...but again
I'll need to try on some more real examples to tell (hence my attempt on getting a real git repo to work with)

Egit doesn't support some specific functions.� I looked through http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide and what I've found:

I don't think they are significan't.

	� Git repo will be too big. Thus this is a question for me will be commits faster or not. It will big because:
		� JBoss Tools SVN consists of pretty coupled projects, so we have(?) to create a single Git repo for all of them.
well, its always been the intent these should get decoupled more and more with proper API's...one of the reasons that haven't happen 
could be "blamed" on the fact the source is kept so close so its easy to "cheat" instead of defining proper API's.

		� There are a lot of binaries (jars, images, videos, giant zip-files, ...). If we want to have all SVN history in Git, we have to add all these binaries to the mirror. I expect it will take approx 5GB (SVN repo itself takes 7GB now).
hmm - what repo are you using ? My repo with most projects built is a total of 3.7GB ...thus its (hopefully) much less since most are not versioned data.

We haven't had videos in the main repo for years and they were seldom changed thus shouldn't be too much - but we'll see.

btw. jars is often something that can be fixed - again, being sloppy about adding many big jars for testing a basic feature often is not needed.

Anyway, Max, if you succeed with creation of the mirror, please share it. I would like to play with it too :) I tried to create a Git mirror some time ago, but after a lot of attempts I decided that it is not possible on Windows without direct access to the SVN repo.
yup - i've created a local svn mirror and it is currenty running svn2git to get a full repo to see how bad/big the damage is.

The final version i'll probably just include all the later branches/tags instead of the full story.

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