It's time to prepare the master branch for JBT 4.4 / JBDS 10
1. Please update the parent pom in your component from
4.3.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT to 4.4.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT:
Please update the parent pom now.
2. Bump the version of your component. For example if the current
version of your component is 4.3.0 then update it to 4.4.0 or
4.3.100 (if you don't add any new functionality):
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version
You should update the component version when you pushing any changes
to master that you don't have in JBT 4.3.0
I didn't create JIRAs for these updates, so, please, don't ignore
this email :)
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