
  I was trying to setup my developer environment with JBoss Fuse by following this doc .

  I installed JBoss Developer Studio (devstudio-10.0.0.GA-installer-eap.jar). My system is Fedora 22 - 64 bit. JDK is openjdk version "1.8.0_91". After installation, I was following these steps:

  1. Start Developer Studio.

  2. In the JBoss Central view, select the Software/Update tab.

  3. Enable “Early access” checkbox

  4. Click the “JBoss Fuse Development” checkbox.

  5. Click the Install/Update butt..

 So step no 4 is not working for me. I simply don't have JBoss Fuse Development to tick in.  BTB using JBoss Developer Studio 8.10 (as explicitly specified in the doc), I am facing no issues. Is JBoss Fuse preinstalled? 

