Hi Aslam,

Fuse Tooling has not provided a Neon build yet. (Dev Studio 10 is based on Eclipse Neon)
I think that there is no project from Integration Stack yet on Dev Studio 10.

You Can use JBoss Developer Studio 9 to have access to Fuse Tooling from the Jboss central view.

If you are ready to live on the bleeding edge (nothing has been tested based on this version of Dev Studio), you can install Fuse Tooling using the "Help-->Install New Software..." menu and use one these update sites:
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/mars/development/updates/integration-stack/fuse-tooling/8.0.0.Beta2/all/repo/ (the latest public release which was tested on JBDS 9)
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/mars/staging/builds/integration-stack/fuse-tooling/8.0.0.Beta4/ (the latest internal tag)
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/mars/staging/builds/integration-stack/fuse-tooling/8.0.0.MASTER/ (the most most recent builds)


On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM, aslam <asabbas@redhat.com> wrote:


  I was trying to setup my developer environment with JBoss Fuse by following this doc .

  I installed JBoss Developer Studio (devstudio-10.0.0.GA-installer-eap.jar). My system is Fedora 22 - 64 bit. JDK is openjdk version "1.8.0_91". After installation, I was following these steps:

  1. Start Developer Studio.

  2. In the JBoss Central view, select the Software/Update tab.

  3. Enable “Early access” checkbox

  4. Click the “JBoss Fuse Development” checkbox.

  5. Click the Install/Update butt..

 So step no 4 is not working for me. I simply don't have JBoss Fuse Development to tick in.  BTB using JBoss Developer Studio 8.10 (as explicitly specified in the doc), I am facing no issues. Is JBoss Fuse preinstalled? 



jbosstools-fuse-dev mailing list

Aurelien Pupier
Senior Software Engineer in JBoss Fuse Tooling team