Apologies, the title of my last message should have been "Narayana 7.0.0.Final" is available

On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 2:34 PM Michael Musgrove <mmusgrov@redhat.com> wrote:
We are pleased to announce the availability of Narayana 6.0.0.Final.

The release contains some minor changes to Narayana 6.0.0.CR1 which we announced last week.

Release Notes for 6.0.0.Final: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310200&version=12400773
Release Notes for 6.0.0.CR1: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310200&version=12398668
Tag: https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana/releases/tag/6.0.0.Final

Narayana Diff: https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana/compare/6.0.0.CR1...6.0.0.Final
Documentation Diff: https://github.com/jbosstm/documentation/compare/6.0.0.CR1...6.0.0.Final
Quickstart Diff: https://github.com/jbosstm/quickstart/compare/6.0.0.CR1...6.0.0.Final

Michael Musgrove

JBoss, by Red Hat
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Michael Musgrove

JBoss, by Red Hat
Registered Address: Red Hat Ltd, 6700 Cork Airport Business Park, Kinsale Road, Co. Cork.
Registered in the Companies Registration Office, Parnell House, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Ireland, No.304873
Directors:Michael Cunningham (USA), Vicky Wiseman (USA), Michael O'Neill, Keith Phelan, Matt Parson (USA)