Tom Jenkinson reassigned JBTM-1789:
Assignee: (was: Tom Jenkinson)
Simplify deploy plugin configuration and don't deploy uber
(shaded) jars
Key: JBTM-1789
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Task
Components: Build System
Reporter: Paul Gier
Fix For: 6.later
There is currently configuration of the maven deploy plugin in several modules to either
deploy or not deploy artifacts and poms to the Maven repo. The configuration could be
simplified using properties, and the uber jars (generated by the shade plugin) should not
be deployed to the Maven repository.
Here is the current deployment status and proposed for the modules.
||Module Name||Current Deployment||Proposed||
| Narayana: all | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: common | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: Arjunacore | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: ArjunaCore arjuna | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: ArjunaCore txoj | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: ArjunaCore arjunacore | deployed | {color:red} skipped {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTA | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTA jta | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTA cdi | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTA jdbc | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTA narayana-jta | deployed | {color:red} skipped {color} |
| Narayana: XTS | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: XTS byteman_support | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: XTS WSAS | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WSAS xts-test-servlet | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WS-C | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WSCF | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WS-T | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WSTX | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS recovery | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS bridge | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS sar | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS jbossxts | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: XTS localjunit | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS localjunit unit | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WSTX11-interop | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS WSTFSC07-interop | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS localjunit xtstest | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: XTS localjunit crash-recovery-tests | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS idl | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS idl jacorb | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS orbportability | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS jts | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS jtax | skipped | {color:red} deployed {color} |
| Narayana: ArjuntaJTS narayana-jts-jacorb | deployed | {color:red} skipped {color} |
| Narayana: ArjunaJTS integration | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: rest-tx | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: rest-tx util | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: rest-tx tx (RESTful API for Atomic Transactions) | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: rest-tx webservice | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: rest-tx integration | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: txbridge | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: fileio | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: STM | skipped | skipped |
| Narayana: txframework | deployed | deployed |
| Narayana: narayana-full | skipped | skipped |