On 18/12/14 08:54, Jim Ma wrote:
OK. Alessio. If this is something we can improve, that will be nice too. So far, what I realize the problem of deploy/undeploy scripts is we need to maintain several different xml/conf files.
I understood this works well when we undeploy the native stack, jaxrpc stuff and deploy with new jbossws-cxf stack in the past. If we move or remove a module, we can also change the dependency and not depends the missed one. I am not sure if this can resolve this issue.
It can't, as with your approach we're only "adding" stuff and not removing anything (we unzip the new module structure over the existing one). It can happen (and it has happened from time to time) that we stop using a given module in a new release, or we refactor the module structure, or stuff like that. Some of the scenario can be dealt with by simply dropping a dependency as you write above (and forgetting a dead module on the server), some others can't.

In any case, the set of files to maintain for deploy/undeploy is now down to 1 ant xml file, the usual assembly plugin xml file and a single line conf file, so not that much. Btw, by looking at your branch I figured out we could possibly slim down the xml file a bit more, as currently the wfly8 and wfly9 structure is pretty much the same, so we can avoid some duplication.

Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss