Hi Alessio,

Thanks for the review! Please see my comments inline.

On 08/07/14 18:45, Alessio Soldano wrote:
* The AbstractResponseTimeInterceptor#getServiceCounterName method will be using the counter name we set in the EndpointAssociationInterceptor, good. However, from a CXF point of view, the name could be computed each time, so the code doing that needs to be decently optimized. In particular, the StringBuilder should be properly used there; if there's a StringBuilder being used, you should really avoid string concatenations to add stuff in the builder. The JDK optimizer will replace the string concatenations with additional StringBuilder instances, which is a waste of resources. So basically use multiple append() invocations instead of String concatenations (unless the String constants only are being concatenated).
 These are all legacy codes from cxf, and another 5 StringBuilder instance will be created for the string concatenations. But it is more readable than all with append(). Should we pay the additional resources to get  readability?
* same reasoning for AbstractResponseTimeInterceptor#getOperationCounterName, plus please use StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer, as that's not accessed concurrently.
  I wrote this wrong. It's a local variable and doesn't have some concurrent issue,so StringBuilder will be fine, no need StringBuff.
* In all ResponseTimeMessage(*)Interceptor, the check on "forceDisabled" should come before the isServiceCounterEnabled() invocation, as that's expensive. So basically do "if !forceDisabled && (isServiceCounterEnabled(ex))" instead of "if (isServiceCounterEnabled(ex) && !forceDisabled)"
 I'll make this change.

* Generally speaking I have some concerns on the thread safety of this class, in particular on visibility. Shouldn't we have final or volatile attributes?
 Looked at this class again.  The totalHandlingTime, minHandlingTime and maxHandlingTime should be all atomic variable.
* At line 87, did you really want to use "|" or "||" ?
 typo !
* Is it possible to end up with handlingTime = 0 for oneway messages and hence end up setting min handling time to 0 ? Is that reasonable ? (probably no...)
 no. The oneway message will go into several interceptors and consume some time to finish the process.
* the update of min and max handling time in not performed in a thread safe way; please have a look at how that should possible be done in our former EndpointMetricImpl (see updateMin / updateMax in [1])
 It should be all atomic variable here.
* it is possible to get unreliable values for the average response time in highly concurrent environments; we might decide to accept this or solve as we did in our EndpointMetricsImpl (see the usage or read/write lock and related comment in [1])
  I am not sure if the lock is a bit heavy here. It is possible to affect the interceptor execution performance ,  and it will wait the lock, then the last interceptor MessageSenderEndingInterceptor can really send the response to the client.Do you  
  think compareAndSet()  can help solve this problem ?

* We should probably set the service counter name in the exchange only when the statistics are enabled.
 I'll refactor this.

* counterRepo and counter members should be final, while there's no need for keeping a reference to the objectName
  Make it as method local final variable will be better.
