hi all,

i think i solved this problem after doing little modification. :)
you just need to add refreshTasks() method to the release part in actionsColumn() method in TasksListViewImpl.java as mentioned below,

cells.add(new ReleaseActionHasCell(ActionsDataGrid.RELEASE.getDescription(), new ActionCell.Delegate<TaskSummary>() {
            public void execute(TaskSummary task) {
                currentAction = ActionsDataGrid.RELEASE;
                presenter.releaseTasks(Lists.newArrayList(task.getId()), identity.getName());


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 6:02 PM, Akila Rathnayake <akila.senarath@gmail.com> wrote:

ok thanks. we also will try to make a solution for this problem..


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Maciej Swiderski <mswiders@redhat.com> wrote:
Actually this is known issue with refresh of the tables that will be addressed soon. For now unfortunately you’ll need to stick to refresh button or use details form of the task. The backend services does work fine and thus the error as you cannot claim same task twice. 


On 24 cze 2014, at 14:20, Akila Rathnayake <akila.senarath@gmail.com> wrote:


yes it works after click refresh button.

but if i click claim icon without refreshing it gives same error...

what should i do for that...?


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Maciej Swiderski <mswiders@redhat.com> wrote:
It might be caused by improper refresh of the items in the list - try using refresh button after first attempt to claim it and see if that makes any difference.

On 24 cze 2014, at 13:53, Akila Rathnayake <akila.senarath@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi all,
> i just built kie wb 6.1.CR1 and testing it.
> sometimes when i click "Claim" icon, it shows item claimed notification but still not show complete icon. also change status ready to in progress.
> it seems like the task locked .but when i click on release icon it gives error,
> Unexpected error encountered : org.jbpm.services.task.exception.PermissionDeniedException:User '[UserImpl:'krisv']' was unable to execute operation 'Release' on task id 3 due to a no 'current status' match
> please check the attached image..
> regards,
> Akila
> <Screenshot from 2014-06-24 16:53:41.png>_______________________________________________
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