Hi Norbert,
So do you want to replace the UIs? or the logic that handle the task lifecycle?
If you want to create your own GWT or JSF interface you can use the gwt-console-server rest API to interact with the engine or you can just use the default Human Task APIS to build your UIs. The current jBPM console is written in GWT, so you can extend it or make it better to not re write everything from the scratch. The project is open to contirbutions so if you have time and the knowledge to write GWT please help the project.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 6:12 PM, northbright <northbright@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to replace the WS-HT implementation of the JBPM-engine with some fancy JSF or GWT.
I've learned that I can manage the processes (from code) via gwt-console-server's REST API. Is there any other way to manipulate them?
Is there a way to replace ws-ht implementation? If yes, is there an example for that?
Thank You for the answers!

Best wishes!

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