Sure let's find time to discuss that in the IRC. Please ping me and let's have a meeting about that

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Kris Verlaenen <> wrote:
(Took me a while to find the time to look at this, sorry for the delay)

I think you should consider the jbpm-human-task module as a combination of several components (and we're actually trying to split it up a little following this structure):

 - a simple java component, based on the concepts in the WS-HT spec. that allows you to manage the life cycle of tasks (we've now introduced a simple API that this service exposes)
 - tests for the functionality of that component
 - communication/transportation code that exposes this service to remote clients (e.g. using Mina or HornetQ)

Having the component as a simple component (and not always as a web service for example) is necessary, as you can then just embed it as part of your application and use local communication rather than WS invocations (which might be important for performance.  We're actually probably going to deploy the task service locally next to the jBPM engine in the jbpm-console for the next service.

I definitely agree that jBPM is not a server project or anything related to that, it is a BPM project.  So a Java component that manages the life cycle of tasks makes sense in this context.  Developing our own client-server communication mechanism doesn't.  But we do want to make sure that this service can actually be used of course.  To do that, we need to make it accessible remotely.  So, from my point of view, our goal is to use existing technologies in combination with our task service component so we can expose it remotely.  That means not reinventing the wheel but reusing existing technologies that exist in this area and applying them / configuring them to our use case.

The tests in the human task service project are indeed starting to annoy me as well.  No matter what the reason is, we should solve them (and yes, I mean "we", not "you" ;)).  Let's try to find some time to discuss on irc what we need to improve to solve these issues.

Let's focus on the HornetQ impl. first (as that's the one we recommend for use in production).  We should just be able to set up / configure HornetQ so it can be used to send messages from client to server.

I also support the idea of being able to just run this as a simple war, there's even a prototype impl. that already does that, but even then there's still the question of what communication mechanism to use.

Currently the human task service is part of the jbpm project, although I agree that it could be used in a broader context as well, but I think it makes sense to keep it there until we see more pressing reasons to create a separate project for it.


On 10/20/2011 12:19 PM, Marco Rietveld wrote:
Hi guys,

Having looked through the architecture of the Human-Task module in the last month or so, I've become fairly pessimistic about it.

The biggest problem I'm seeing is that the "wheel is reinvented" a couple times -- and the "reinvented wheels" that are present in the Human-Task service will be a pain to maintain/troubleshoot.

The "reinvented wheels" are things like the following:
  1. The server logic                                        
    1. BaseJMSTaskServer, TaskServerHandler, etc.
  2. The client logic
    1. TaskClientHandler, the ResponseHandler and all it's children classes)
  3. The asynchronous/concurrency logic
    1. AbstractBlockingResponseHandler{.waitTillDone(long) } and every class that uses that method (and every class that uses the class that uses that method.. etc.)

 I think my frustration with this can best be expressed by the fact that jBPM is a process engine project -- it's not a server project, it's not a (service) client project, and it certainly isn't a project that supports asynchronous communication. And yet, we're implementing all 3 in the module. :/

Lastly, the human-task module code is the reason that the jbpm builds (on have been failing for the last month or so. And the tests are not failing because the tests are wrong: the tests are failing because there's a race condition in the code, and it occurs when you run the human-task code on a 1. heavily loaded server that's experiencing 2. lots of network traffic. Which is what the is.

I guess I'm wondering what other people's opinions about this are!


jBPM/Drools developer
Utrecht, the Netherlands
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