Thanks Tiho,

This is what I was looking for -- and it makes sense.

I guess it frustrates me to know that questions are being posted to the drools-* mailing lists. I subscribe to both but definitely don't read much of either -- part of the reason I subscribe is just to keep a lookout for jbpm questions. Having to search through those lists for questions (and knowing that answers will be archived on the drools-* mailing list) is irritating.. :) 

Is there a standard answer that we give to drools-* mailing list questions, wrt to where they should post questions?

I totally agree that we don't have the resources/people power to answer all sorts of channels -- it's impressive enough as it is that we are able to answer lots of questions (from my perspective!).


08/31/2011 06:32 AM, Tihomir Surdilovic:
My opinion is that yet-another-channel of communication is not needed at 
this point.
We currently monitor for jBPM questions:
1) Drools dev mailing list
2) Drool users mailing list
3) DroolsjBPM blog (questions after submitting a post)
4) jBPM Forum (which has also a developer section)
5) IRC #jbpm, #drools, #drools-dev
6) Email

We should decide on one thing before making a move: what is it that our 
users want to use, the forum or the mailing list?
If we can get a question on that, then we would be much better off. If 
the majority chooses the forum, we quiet down the mailing list, if they 
choose the mailing lists,
then just stop answering in the forum (which is AFAIK pretty much what 
Drools did and it forced users to use the mailing lists over 
time..correct me if I'm wrong).

We simply do not have the people power IMO now to be all over the place.

On 8/30/11 6:28 PM, Mauricio Salatino wrote:
I agree with that.
The main problem is that the jBPM community was born in the forums..
and there is a lot of people that knows how to use it.
We can always try to do something and advertise everywhere.

my two cents..

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Marco Rietveld<>  wrote:
Hi guys,

Anyone else think that it would be worth it to setup a jbpm-users list?
(I meant to bring this up at the meeting this past Monday, but forgot).

I don't think it would be used that often, but it would be nice to have
in order to direct people to -- especially those who primarily use
e-mail to ask questions and end up asking them on.
- rules-users
- jbpm-dev (see recent post)

I'm pretty sure it would be pretty easy to set up -- I was curious if
there were others who also thought it was a good idea.
I guess if I get.. 2 yes's (and no no's/vetoes), I'll go ahead and set
it up.


Drools/jBPM developer
Utrecht, the Netherlands

jbpm-dev mailing list

jbpm-dev mailing list

Drools/jBPM developer
Utrecht, the Netherlands